The board of Solidar Suisse

Carlo Sommaruga

President of Solidar Suisse

"Only a fair and united globalization allows each and everyone to live and work in dignity. And it is together that we can build it."

Sabin Bieri

Director of the Centre for Sustainable Development and Environment (CDE) at the University of Bern.

Pepo Hofstetter

"Human rights, decent work and a good life for all means to fight oppression, exploitation and social inequality here and everywhere in the world."

Dieter Bolliger

"An unequally developed world leads to irreconcilable antagonisms, which ultimately threaten to break global society".

Fabio Höhener

Trade Union Secretary VPOD Zurich and VPOD Switzerland

Martine Docourt

National Councillor SP

Tamara Funiciello

National Councillor SP

Joachim Merz

Employee representative Solidar Suisse

"We need to radically rethink globalisation: as a globalisation of social justice."

Reto Wyss

Central Secretary STUC

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