The factory assessment contains wage theft estimates for 114 garment, textile, footwear and leather factories across Cambodia based on factory-specific information on lockdown periods, wage payments, and other forms of compensation for the months of April and May 2021. The information was collected by Cambodian trade unions during May and June 2021. Information on buyers sourcing from the factories was collected by trade unions as well as from public supplier disclosure lists of the brands.

Data collection was hindered by ongoing pandemic restrictions in Cambodia, restricted access to manufacturers’ wage payment data, and by the lack of transparency of some companies; therefore it is incomplete, and the possibility of errors cannot be discounted. Estimates for the average wage theft from March 2020 through March 2021 were obtained from Clean Clothes Campaign research “Un(der)paid in the pandemic” (forthcoming July 2021). All factory and brand-specific figures are estimates, based on scarce information available and should not replace comprehensive detailed wage theft assessments.

Here you find the data of the 114 factories sample.

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