services in Mozambique
Solidar Suisse in Mozambique
Solidar Suisse began its development cooperation projects in central Mozambique in 1984. We ensure more participation in the districts and communities and a better public service. We support democratic processes from below and the establishment of a functioning water supply system. We also help young adults to integrate into the labour market and promote the reintegration of former RENAMO guerrillas and their descendants. In the event of disasters, we provide emergency aid and reconstruction using the Nexus approach.
Extreme poverty and climate change
The majority of Mozambique's 30 million inhabitants live in rural areas and work as smallholder farmers. Moçambique has one of the highest poverty rates in the world and is regularly hit by extreme weather events.
Water supply for victims of cyclone Idai. © Solidar Suisse
Basic services and transparency
Solidar Suisse promotes democratic participation and transparency, supports the development of functioning basic services and builds resilience in the event of disasters.
We support the district authorities in setting up and training local disaster prevention committees, which sensitise the population to the risks and consequences of disasters and inform them about the most important prevention and immediate relief measures in an emergency. In cooperation with village representatives, Solidar Suisse lays the foundations for improving water supply, education and health by strengthening people’s participation and investing public funds where they are most needed.
Solidar Suisse is an active member of the Swiss Emergency Response Team, an association of Swiss NGOs working in Mozambique.
This project is supported by the FGC.
Projects in Mozambique
Help people in Mozambique
With your donation we can provide for functioning basic services and participatory public debate.