Decent work
Decent work for a dignified life
Decent work is one of the keys to combatting global inequality and poverty and to making globalisation fairer. Solidar Suisse champions living wages, a minimum level of social support and the possibility for workers to defend their interests, for example through unionisation. Over two billion people are informally employed. That’s the equivalent of about two-thirds of the global workforce. But even employment contracts do not protect against exploitation.
Neither freedom nor social security
Today’s economic order is driving the growing rift between rich and poor. Production is outsourced to low-wage countries in order to increase profit margins. This leads companies to accept poor occupational safety, social security and freedom of association for workers.
Empowering workers
Workers’ living and working conditions can only be improved in a lasting manner if their voice carries the right level of weight on the ground. Therefore, Solidar Suisse promotes the development of democratically organized trade unions. We inform workers of their rights, support them in their struggle to secure an increase to the minimum wage and run workshops to strengthen their negotiating position. Effective unions are decisive in achieving a power shift in global supply chains and social equity. in the context of small-scale farming we support cooperatives for the same reasons.
Since 2011, the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) set out international minimum standards for companies’ responsibility to protect human rights. Solidar Suisse takes its guidance from these standards and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through research, we uncover labor rights violations, confront companies with grievances, and seek approaches to improving working conditions in their supply chains through dialogue.
Fighting together
In South Africa, CWAO offers legal advice and a network to exchange and organize.
With our projects we contribute to the empowerment of workers in the global south. We support exploited workers and advocate for a functioning public service.
Donate to support workers in their struggle for fair wages and just working conditions.