Against slavery in Cambodia

Modern slavery is commonplace in Southeast Asia. For instance, in Cambodia many farmers fall into debt because their crops fail and they then end up in brick kilns. They have no hope of breaking out of the spiral of debt. Forced and child labour are consequences of debt bondage. Solidar Suisse supports former farmers by providing training and advice. 

Enticing offers

Farmers in Cambodia are often particularly hard hit by climate change. Harvests fail to materialise and are destroyed because the monsoon arrives too early, too late, or the rain is too heavy or too weak. Farmers are forced into debt in order to buy new food and seeds and, with every failed harvest, they fall deeper into debt. Factory owners offer to take on their debt and often offer better repayment terms. Many farmers take up the offer and end up in one of the country’s many brick kilns.

Accommodation for workers in a brick factory Accommodation for workers in a brick factory

Accommodation for workers on the factory premises. © Solidar Suisse

Against arbitrariness

Better access to health care

The project is currently in the pilot stage and is being expanded. To date, the union has managed to attract new members in four brick factories, where the workers and factory owners are now registered with the national social security agency. This provides them with better access to health care.

Donations for people in Cambodia

With your donation you are supporting families and people who work as modern slaves in the brick kilns of Cambodia.

Your donation

Please support people suffering from modern slavery.

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