Women fight for their rights

Violence against women is widespread in El Salvador and it has increased further during the Covid-19 pandemic. Solidar Suisse champions the protection and participation of women in 32 rural communities in Chalatenango in order to help women exercise their rights.

One of the highest violence rates in the world

Women in El Salvador are consistently subjected to violence and have little prospect of exercising their rights, in part due to the legacy of the civil war and the culture of machismo.

Junge Frauen machen ein Rollenspiel an einem Selbstverteidungskurs in El Salvador.
Junge Frauen machen ein Rollenspiel an einem Selbstverteidungskurs in El Salvador.

Young women at a self-defence workshop in El Salvador. © Frederic Meyer

Women get involved

Emergency Hotline and Education

Teenage pregnancies and femicides increased sharply during the Corona Lockdown. Due to militarily enforced curfews and the suspension of public transport, women affected by violence could hardly flee and did not dare to report the perpetrators. Solidar partner organisations worked with the authorities to launch a campaign that reached 1.3 million people via social networks, radios and television. Our partner organisations were able to draw on structures they had built up over many years: for example, gender equality offices that also serve as contact points for victims of violence. During the pandemic, activities to prevent violence and teenage pregnancies, such as education on gender equality and sexual self-determination by young people for young people, were made more difficult.  


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