Türkiye and Syria: Two Years After the Earthquakes

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Two years after the devastating earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria, millions of people are still struggling with the consequences of the disaster. Especially in Syria, where the long-standing conflict further complicates life, there is a severe lack of safe housing, clean water, and economic opportunities. Solidar Suisse is supporting those affected with concrete aid projects—including Mahmud Homsi and his family, who lost everything in the earthquake.

On February 6, 2023, southeastern Türkiye and northwestern Syria were struck by two devastating earthquakes. With magnitudes of 7.8 and 7.6, the disasters claimed over 60,000 lives and left millions homeless. In just a few seconds, many lost their loved ones, their homes, and their livelihoods. Two years later, many survivors are still fighting for survival. Despite international aid, there is still a severe lack of basic infrastructure, safe housing, and economic opportunities. The situation is particularly dire in Syria, where the ongoing conflict exacerbates the crisis: many families are still living in destroyed or inadequately renovated buildings, often without access to clean water, sanitation, or heating.

"We Went Through Hell"

Behind every statistic lies a personal story. One of them is that of Mahmud Homsi and his family.

The partner organization SARD supported the Homsi family in renovating their home. © Solidar Suisse/SARD

Solidar Suisse: Support for Sustainable Change

Since the first days after the earthquakes, Solidar Suisse has been providing humanitarian aid in Türkiye and Syria. The organization is committed to long-term solutions, ensuring that those affected not only survive but also regain control over their future.

In Türkiye, the efforts focus on:

  • Repairing damaged homes and providing winter aid for people in temporary shelters
  • Economic empowerment through training in financial and risk management
  • Psychosocial support to help process traumatic experiences

In Syria, the focus is on:

  • Rehabilitating shelters and infrastructure, such as schools and water supply systems
  • Protection measures for particularly vulnerable children
  • Business training to create economic opportunities for affected individuals

Even two years after the earthquakes, the situation in both countries remains critical. However, through long-term commitment and targeted support, families like Mahmud and Radia Homsi’s can regain hope for the future.

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