Yes, I’ll make a donation

My donation will help Solidar Suisse to provide for the basic needs of people suffering in the wake of humanitarian disasters while at the same helping to mitigate the numerous forms of social injustice around the world.

Some donors prefer to make a donation that is as tangible and specific as possible and therefore choose to donate to a particular project. This decision is driven by the legitimate and understandable desire to engage in a clearly defined project. However, it can also have unintended disadvantages.

The disadvantage of such an approach is that project-specific donations significantly reduce an aid organisation’s room for manoeuvre. Project-related donations can unintentionally lead to a situation in which those most in need at a given point in time – for example when intervention is needed following a humanitarian disaster – cannot receive adequate support. Solidar Suisse therefore recommends that all donors refrain from making project-specific donations whenever possible. Should you nonetheless like to make a project-specific donation, please indicate this in the ‘comments’ field.

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