Participation in Mozambique

Over half the population in Mozambique live in extreme poverty. Solidar Suisse works to ensure their needs are taken into account and for them to have good public services.

A functioning public service is an important tool against extreme poverty. The population’s living conditions can be improved by transparent democratic planning and investment in education, healthcare and sustainable infrastructure, such as the water supply. In Mozambique, Solidar Suisse champions more participatory public debate in communities and for an improvement to infrastructure with a view to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, we contribute to effective disaster prevention.

Poor public services and corruption

In many places in Mozambique, public infrastructure is in an appalling state. The severe economic crisis means that in some cases it is not even possible to pay the wages of medical staff and teachers. In a context of widespread poverty, corruption is a significant problem. Nearly 30 years on from the introduction of a multiparty democracy, the country still lacks accountability for public officials. Recurrent natural disasters, armed conflict in the north and centre of the country and the uneven distribution of the benefits of the natural resources sector pose additional barriers to democratic development.

Auf dem Weg zu einer Gemeindeversammlung Auf dem Weg zu einer Gemeindeversammlung

Women and children on their way to a village meeting © Gasser

Better infrastructure through participation

Solidar Suisse strengthens civil society organisations so they can better voice their needs and participate in public debate.

Decisions on public investments are taken in a transparent and democratic manner in local development committees. At the same time, Solidar Suisse promotes coordination between civil society, communities and provincial parliaments.

Solidar Suisse improves public service in 12 districts and three cities in central Mozambique through advice and experience sharing. Our support focuses on women to enable them to enjoy participation on an equal footing and to enable them to put forward proposals.


Local government representatives are now willing to involve civil society in public infrastructure planning and women are increasingly participating in planning and decision-making processes.

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