Despite global crises, Solidar Suisse successfully continued its commitment in 2023. From natural disasters to pandemic support - we invested over 33 million Swiss francs in 80 projects worldwide.Our focus on combating global inequality, humanitarian aid and our commitment to democratic participation is clear to see: Together we create sustainable change.
Engagement around the globe
In development cooperation, we invested in education programmes, vocational training, the development of sustainable sources of income and the strengthening of democratic participation in order to give local people the opportunity to improve their living conditions.In the area of humanitarian aid, we focussed on overcoming acute crises and supporting people in need. Our commitment around the globe was particularly focussed on those affected by conflicts, natural disasters and other emergency situations.
Utilisation of funds 2023
In 2023, Solidar Suisse invested over CHF 33 million, of which a total of 86.6 percent went to our international programmes in the areas of humanitarian aid, international development cooperation and campaign work.
12.6 million francs were invested in development cooperation, for example in Burkina Faso, East, South and Southeast Asia, Guatemala, Pakistan and South Africa. CHF 10.2 million was invested in humanitarian aid in countries such as Burkina Faso, Turkey, Syria, Mozambique and Bangladesh.
Voices from the projects
Svitlana Dubyna, Head of partner organisation VIS in Ukraine
«Securing the right to a dignified life for the most vulnerable people, even in times of war, is a central goal of VIS. Women and men, old people and children from 15 regions of Ukraine who had been driven from their homes by the war have turned to our organisation: Over 2000 people have received money for food, medicine, clothing and heating to ensure their survival. We also provided psychological counselling to almost 600 people to help them overcome the trauma of violence, fear and loss.»
Vuyelwa Magidela, South African factory worker
«Our fight for better working conditions at the Simba Chips factory in Johannesburg was crowned with success thanks to the united commitment of the workers. The bosses fear nothing more than an employee who gives a voice to the voiceless. To make a difference, we need to organise and fight against exploitation. With the support of the Casual Workers Advice Office, we achieved that in 2023 most temporary workers were made permanent and are now treated the same as long-term permanent employees.»