Elections in South Africa

– Historic shift in South Africa: A new coalition takes power for the first time. Ighsaan Schroeder from our partner organization in Johannesburg warns of challenging times ahead.
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Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria: One year on

– One year after the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, people are still left with nothing. Reconstruction is slow and they are barely able to restore their livelihoods themselves. A visit to the south of Turkey.
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The right to know

– At this year’s Rotterdam Convention meeting in May in Geneva (COP 11), Solidar Suisse is calling for the adoption of an amendment of the convention. The ticking time bomb of asbestos must be stopped.
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Solidar Suisse in Ukraine

– Solidar Suisse has started work in Ukraine. With two local partner organisations, we are helping to strengthen the resilience of the most vulnerable people in the war-torn country.
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World Refugee Day

– Worldwide, 100 million people are on the run. On World Refugee Day on 20 June, Solidar Suisse is drawing attention to the situation of Afghan refugees in Pakistan.
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Action in Geneva: Stop asbestos

– Together with over 30 organizations, we called on the delegates in Geneva to act at this year's conference on the Rotterdam Convention: Asbestos should finally be banned worldwide. The substance still causes over 200,000 deaths per year.
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ILO: Major breakthrough in occupational safety and health

– A historic decision: The International Labour Conference decided to include a safe and healthy working environment in the 1998 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
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Occupational Safety and Health as fundamental Rights

– Why it is crucial that health and safety in the workplace are fundamental workplace rights, explains Manal Azzi, expert at the International Labour Organization ILO.
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Convention with deadly flaws

– The 2022 Conference of the Parties (COP 10) takes place in Geneva from 6 to 17 June. Solidar Suisse is calling for an improvement of the Rotterdam Convention. In focus: the ticking time bomb of asbestos.
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"It's the poor that get sick"

– Asbestos is not banned in most African countries and continues to be used or even extracted in mines. The Building and Wood Workers' International is campaigning for an asbestos ban.
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Bangladesh: Fire in Container Depot

– Inadequate storage facilities and poor firefighting measures led to a fire and a huge explosion at a container depot in Bangladesh. Over 50 people were killed and hundreds injured. The tragedy shows once again how important it is to promote decent working conditions.
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Lies, Threats, Spying

– The asbestos lobby will stop at nothing to stave off a ban on their deadly industry.
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The Voice of the Victims

– Asbestos continues to be used in most Asian countries. The ABAN network is campaigning for an asbestos ban.
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Pakistan: Fleeing the Taliban

– The Taliban's seizure of power in Afghanistan has forced hundreds of thousands of Afghans to flee since August 2021. 90 percent of them have fled to the neighbouring states of Iran and Pakistan. Solidar Suisse is supporting the displaced with a new project in Peshawar, Pakistan.
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Bangladesh: Hopelessness of the Rohingyas

– Rohingya Crisis turning into a protracted and forgotten crisis: After 5 years of being forcibly displaced by the Myanmar military, over one million Rohingya refugees remain in Bangladesh, with no solution in sight. As the crisis grows more protracted, refugees continue to rely on significant volumes of humanitarian assistance with longer-term needs unmet.
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Ukraine: Our work for refugees

– The war in Ukraine is driving more and more people away. They are seeking protection in neighbouring countries like Romania, where Solidar Suisse is active. What exactly is being done? How do we help? And how does it continue?
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Ukraine: Escaping the bombs

– Over 200,000 Ukrainians have so far sought protection in neighbouring Romania. Most of them arrive at the Siret border - and meet hundreds of helping hands who are now prepared for the tragedy.
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Alone on the run

– Yuliia Temchenko fled Kiev with her two three- and five-year-old sons when Russia began bombing the capital. On International Women's Day, she tells her story.
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Solidar Suisse supports Ukrainians in Romania

– The war in Ukraine is driving people away to neighbouring European countries. Solidar Suisse is now working with two partner organisations in Romania to support the refugees.
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Shrinking Spaces: Solidar Study from Asia

– Increasing rights violations and restrictions on fundamental rights are of particular concern in Asia. A report by Elaine Lu and Fahmi Panimbang from Solidar Suisse Asia shows how civilians are oppressed by governments and why the struggle of activists and trade unions against the failure of democracy is more important than ever.
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Social Justice Day

– Shrinking Civic Spaces: A growing threat to people and their fundamental rights. On the occasion of the World Day of Social Justice, we as members of the European alliance SOLIDAR draw attention to this increasing restriction of civic spaces and rights and make demands to the government.
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No place for their anger

– In Cambodia, a strike related to a huge hotel complex is violently put down. But the struggle continues. An overview of the situation with our coordinator in Cambodia Sammedy Seng.
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In prison for a Facebook post

– In Asia, the erosion of democratic spaces complicates the struggle for labour rights, as illustrated by the story of Soy Sros, who was arrested in Cambodia for posting on Facebook.
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Fire in Cox's Bazar

– Two fires broke out in the Rohingya refugee camp Kutupalong in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, in January: More than 5000 people lost their belongings and are homeless. The Solidar team is providing emergency aid to rebuild the shelters and is examining what measures are needed to prevent such disasters in the future.
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Work more precarious than ever

– 7 October is the World Day for Decent Work. This year, the World Day for Decent Work is more important than ever, as the Corona pandemic has contributed to the deterioration of working conditions around the world.
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