Over 50 million people live in modern slavery today. More than two thirds of the people affected are women and girls.
Slavery persists despite the global ban
In 1888, Brazil became the last country in the western hemisphere to ban slavery; in doing so, it ended a long era of systematic violence and exploitation. Yet unfortunately, slavery has not been completely eradicated. Today, according to ILO, over 50 million people continue to live without freedom and in situations of forced labour. Modern slavery comprises forced labour, debt bondage, forced prostitution, forced marriage and human trafficking. The affected workers are exploited through threats, violence, coercion or deception. The victims are generally unable to change their situation by themselves. Solidar Suisse stands up for the victims of forced labour through prevention and assistance measures as well as through advocacy and lobbying.
Risk for women, children and migrants
Forced labour is often not visible and affects a range of jobs often including prostitution, domestic help or construction.
Worker at a brick kiln in Cambodia. © Solidar
Prevention and empowerment
Palmoil plantation on Borneo
Migrant workers and their children are particularly affected by forced labour.
Selected projects
With our projects we contribute to the empowerment of workers in the global south. We support exploited workers and advocate for public services.
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Calculate your hourly wage and donate one or several hours of your work. In doing so you will be supporting workers in their fight for fair loans and just working conditions. Thank you!