Decent work for young Bolivians

Young Bolivians face huge difficulties due to unemployment and precarious work. Solidar Suisse helps them to enter the labour market.

A majority without an employment contract

Three quarters of all young Bolivians work without a labour contract in street vending, as domestic workers, as construction workers or in agriculture. Others cannot find a job because they lack work experience, including university graduates. The COVID pandemic has exacerbated this situation. Many young adults do not know how to apply for jobs successfully or are not familiar enough with the labour market and their labour rights.

Job fair for young people in Bolivia. © Solidar Suisse

Perspectives for young people

Solidar Suisse organises training on application processes and courses on customer service or managing a team. In addition, we promote start-ups.


In 2022, a total of 281 people took part in training courses on soft skills and business start-ups. For many young adults, starting their own small business is the first choice for integrating into the labour market. Solidar supported a total of 42 business start-ups - including 13 start-ups by young mothers - in the four municipalities of Sacaba (Dpto. Cochabamba), Cobija (Dpto. Pando), Achocalla and Mecapaca (Dpto. La Paz).

Donations for young people in Bolivia

Your donation will help young people in Bolivia obtain decent work.

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